Grandkids - I can't imagine life without them...
I was in town the other day and ran into an old classmate from high school. We exchanged the usual 'How long has it been?' 'Where are you now?' 'Do you ever see anyone from the old days?' and of course 'Do you have any grandkids?' When I showed her pictures of kids and grandkids, she sighed and said that she didn't have any grandkids yet.
Later I thought about this, of course it is perfectly normal for anyone in their 50s to not have grandkids yet. I thought about how different our lives would be without grandkids. I can't imagine it.
I remember when I became a grandparent at age 40 and Buddy telling me how lucky we were to be young enough to enjoy being grandparents, young enough to play with them and take them places and share our lives with them.
And if not for grandkids, what would I have to blog about?