Wednesday, June 29, 2011

light summer reading

Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns

"If the preacher’s wife’s petticoat showed, the ladies would make the talk last a week. But on July 5, 1906, things took a scandalous turn. That was the day E. Rucker Blakeslee, proprietor of the general store and barely three weeks a widower, eloped with Miss Love Simpson — a woman half his age and, worse yet, a Yankee!"

This book description was enough to make me want to read it, but then I found out it was set in Georgia not far from here! A funny story and great historical references to life in the early 1900s.

Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks - you know him, you know his stories: girl meets boy, they fall in love, all sweetness and light - except for the underlying current of darkness in this one, sleeping with the enemy darkness, a change for Sparks. A bit predictable, I was a little disappointed in Sparks until he saved it with an interesting twist at the end! Sparks once again uses his familiar North Carolina setting with the beach nearby, a good summer read.

Life From Scratch by Melissa Ford

"June Cleaver beat the crap out of me with her rolling pin.

In my dream, Martha Stewart, June Cleaver, Bree Van De Kamp, and Marion Cunningham (who they were all affectionately calling “Mrs. C”) were baking a pie together in my kitchen and arguing about the best way to pit cherries..."

The first line really grabbed me and made me smile, made me want to read more.

Newly divorced and between jobs, Rachel Goldman has a lot of time on her hands to 'find herself' and figure out what she wants to do with the rest of her life. She finds her voice when she starts a blog, finally having someone to talk to, she finds her passion when she learns to cook, and combines the two while blogging about recipes and cooking in addition to her woes about life and love. This one is a quick read, funny and light and real!
