Buddy's letter is done, in the mail, on its way, online. Melissa and Carrie also write Christmas letters, and theirs are all done and on the way. Keeping in touch with family and friends - I know, it is just once a year, but it is a fun tradition. It is good to see the kids carrying on the tradition of letter writing.
Folks everywhere just want to keep in touch, hence the popularity of social networking sites, like MySpace or Facebook or the blondes-only SpaceBook (just kidding).
I remember when I first saw Classmates.com, it seemed like a good way to catch up with old friends, but they have to charge that annoying fee. I bet the folks at Classmates are really kicking themselves while they watch the millions of folks connecting daily on the other free sites.
The grandkids were delighted recently when their grandpa Buddy joined Facebook. He was surprised at how quickly he gained a list of friends. Carrie jokingly warned Melissa - Dad is on Facebook, watch what you say!
Whether it is via email, Facebook, blogging, InstantMessage, Twitter, snailmail cards and letters, cell phone texting, or actually calling someone to talk or visiting in person, keep in touch with those that matter, this time of year and beyond.