It started 18 years ago when we were far, far, away from home. The distance must have sparked a wish for connection with family and friends at home in Georgia, and the first Tidwell Christmas letter was pecked out on the computer. The spell check had to accept the word y'all, and the rest is history.
Family and friends were pleasantly surprised to receive this first letter back in 1990. Buddy heard many times that he should write more, possibly even a book!
Every year we are asked when The Letter will be ready. Just the other day the kids hooked up with a long lost second cousin on Facebook who wrote - I remember you, your dad sends out that great Christmas letter every year, we hang it on the wall so everyone can read it.
I thought it would be nice to share the entire collection online, so I polled the family -
Melissa - Yes, a great idea!
Carrie - I don't know, that is a lot of personal family information out there for strangers to read, but I guess you do that every day with your blog already.
Buddy - What ever you want to do, dear.
Follow the annual recap of the Tidwell family, expressed as only Buddy can.
Catch up on our history, watch the family grow through the years.
Starting with the very first one in 1990, with more published every day or so during December, enjoy the Tidwell Family Christmas Letters, published online for the first time.