It is that time of year, busy busy. The countdown is on, just 2 days til Thanksgiving, whoa!

Lists have been made - list of people coming, list of things to cook, list of groceries to buy, list of chores to do.

I am learning to delegate. (v. To entrust to another: delegate a task to a subordinate.)

Carrie and Melissa volunteered to get the Thanksgiving groceries. I gladly handed over the long list and hesitantly handed over my debit card, calling out last minute additions as they went out the door.

The grandkids are very excited about Thanksgiving dinner - they all love to eat! And cook! So this year they all want to bring something. Fine with me! As each of them called out something they wanted to cook and bring, I crossed it off my list.

So let's see, my grocery list is all crossed off, my to do list is dwindling, my to cook list is smaller, hey, this delegating thing is pretty sweet!