How far are you willing to go, to go green?
I was recently reading Yahoo! Green and after following a few links, ended up reading this blog post about doing away with disposables, and the success that family has had stopping use of the following:
paper napkins
disposable diapers
grocery bags
feminine products
toilet paper
Out of the 6 things listed, I admit to using the disposable version of all of them, even though we did use cloth diapers way back before disposables were around, and have recently started to use reusable grocery bags.
What about paper towels? Using cloth rags for all your kitchen wiping needs? What about that raw chicken juice on the counter? And those spills on the floor? Does having to launder all your cloth rags in hot water to kill bacteria balance out with not buying paper towels?
Cloth napkins are also doable. But again, what about the extra use of water and detergent, does it offset paper napkins?
But for the last two I would have to draw the line.
What do you think? How far would you go?
~photo - Smoky Mountains stream 2006