If you listen you will hear the big yellow bus rumbling up the mountain road, pause, start again, and then the sound that pierces the silence of the surrounding forest, YeeHaw! School has started back, finally! WooHoo! This of course from the moms on this long-awaited first day of school. The peace and quiet that will follow for the next 8 hours will be better than chocolate.
Our grandkids live next door and are very excited about school starting. More so about what clothes they will wear the first day and seeing their friends than anything else. This is a momentous year, no more grammar school for them! Sarah (14), starts high school today. Racheal (11) and Madison (10) both start middle school today. An exciting time in their lives, and for their parents, too!
I think I will open my window around 7 a.m. to see if I can hear the opening ceremonies begin.