"It just cost me $10 to go to Wal-Mart!" Buddy said yesterday when he walked in the door, and he wasn't even counting what he bought. His diesel truck gets 17.5 miles to the gallon, and diesel is nearing $5.00 a gallon, so he did the math and figured he used 2 gallons just to go to Wal-Mart and back.
When Carrie came in, we quizzed her about how much it cost her to go to work and back every day. She figured $8.00 a day, saying, "That's a dollar an hour!" (for her 9-5 banking job).
I, on the other hand, work at home and am saving all kinds of bucks not driving my car!
Narrowing down the gas prices to actual daily cost was very enlightening, giving personal perspective to a global problem.
Another note on diesel, that is the same stuff that is in our heating oil tank out in the yard (less the highway taxes of course), and we have already decided to use up what is in the tank this winter and not get a refill. Or do you think we could sell it back to the oil company for a profit? hmmm... something to think about...
We are thinking of replacing our oil furnace for an electric heat pump, but in the meantime, we are already planning to use wood heat more than ever this winter. Hey, we have this very valuable acreage, according to the tax assessor's office, so we might as well use it for some advantage, like fire wood!
~photo found online here