spring fever - It is that time of year again, the recurring symptoms, not wanting to work, constant gazing out the window. Rx: Take a walk in the sunshine, play in the dirt, plant some pansies.
better than coupons - While out recycling the other day, Melissa and I stopped to eat and went to the grocery store, both places giving me a senior discount! (Even though I clearly did not qualify). Melissa is the ultimate bargain hunter and coupon clipper (she takes after her dad and grandmother), but will she want to take me along now for that added discount?
watching the radio - Last Saturday evening we sat in the living room and listened to the radio show of Prairie Home Companion. It was something we had never done, and prompted a strange feeling - what do we do, just sit here? What do we watch? Is this how it was in the old days before TV? I ended up knitting, Buddy dozed in and out. Carrie came home and just rolled her eyes at us.
all in the family - Last Sunday we went bowling for the first time in - well we couldn't remember when. It was Carrie's idea of a family outing for her birthday, and turned out to be a lot of fun!
shark bait - Madison's 5th grade Challenge Class traveled to Gatlinburg for an overnight field trip to sleep with the sharks at the aquarium. She came home yesterday and crashed on the couch. Stories and pictures when she recovers…
capitol one - Sarah traveled with the middle school band yesterday to play for the governor at the Capitol in downtown Atlanta, but the real highlight was getting to eat at the Varsity!
copycat - I read a wonderful poem on a blog a while back - author unknown. I googled the first line and discovered several things, the first being that the poem I read was altered somewhat from the original. The author is well known, she lives here in Georgia, has a website, many more poems, and is actively trying to protect her copyrighted work. Reading this, I decided to remove some 'author unknown' poems I had posted on my blog, and try harder to give credit where credit is due.
So here is a link to The Dash by Linda Ellis. Read and enjoy, and think about how you will spend your dash. Have a great weekend!
It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ~Mark Twain
Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~Robin Williams
~photo 13 March 2008 jonquil at home