Don't they know that tomorrow is turkey day?
Don't they see the turkey deep fryer getting filled with oil,
the turkey platter coming out of the cabinet?
They travel in a group, flock, or posse, a community of turkeys traveling around visiting the neighbors, seeing what is new.

Like the turkeys, there is also a community of bloggers. Since I work at home, it helps me stay 'connected' with other folks without dealing with the office politics. Just hanging out 'round the virtual water cooler, occasionally offering my two cents' worth.

I check in with my neighbors out in blogland to see what they are up to, what stories or pictures they have to share. One of my neighbors up in Tennessee, Byron at Knoxville Trivia Blog recently received the Community Blogger Award and kindly passed it on to me!
"The Community Blog Award celebrates people who reach out and makes the blogger community a better one."
Byron described my blog:
"She takes beautiful photographs. She blogs about the kind of things that I like, such as family, mountains, old barns and a plethora of other subjects. She's as country as barbed wire and bailing twine, and not ashamed to admit it, and I like that."
He went on to reference my "where I'm from" post, and said,
"Sounds like we have a lot of the same things in common, only you've been sprinkled and I've been dunked!"
Thanks for the kind words. Hmmm... country as barbed wire and bailing twine?

This award is flying out to more neighbors in the community:
Georgia blogger - Elementary Historyteacher at Georgia on My Mind gathers Georgia bloggers together for a biweekly carnival of Georgia blogs.
Virginia blogger - June at Spatter has joined the blogging community of Floyd, Virginia, a small one-light town chock full of artists and writers and bloggers. She says, "What I write feels and looks like spatter to me...spurts of inspiration."
North Carolina blogger - Gypsy Quilter is part of the quilting community, and says, "Whenever I wander, wherever I roam, if my fabric goes with me, then I feel at home. Some children grow up using every crayon in the box. I still do, only now they are fabric boxes."
Have a great turkey day everyone!
~featured on Georgia Blog Carnival #23