Accolades and rewards: Sarah performed in the middle school Spring Band Concert on Tuesday the 8th, she received an award for Best Trombone player in the 7th grade! On Saturday they are performing in a band competition near Atlanta and going to Six Flags afterward. Sarah is just one of the family with a
band history. We are proud of you!
Clowning around: Madison attended the Shrine Circus last Saturday with all the other 4th graders in the county, and this coming Saturday is heading to the Georgia Aquarium with her Girl Scout troop with the profits from
selling Girl Scout Cookies.
Burst your bubble: At the recent sock hop, grandson Kyle won the contest for the biggest bubble gum bubble, which covered his face.
His face was already red from being caught at school 'accidentally' looking at a web site of .... well, he was sent to In School Suspension for a couple of days and grounded at home...
Don't rock the boat: Buddy's company restarted the once traditional deep sea fishing trip last weekend. Buddy went along for the traditional seasickness. He has decided that some traditions just aren't worth it.
They're back: The black bears are wandering the hills again this spring, raiding trash cans and cat food. Melissa said,
"I heard noises coming from the porch, I looked through the window and didn't see anything. I turned the porch light on and there was a bear looking at me through the window on all fours."Did I ever tell you I am
gonna be a bear…
Girls just wanna have fun: Last Saturday while everyone else had plans, my 2 daughters and I went shopping, which included lots of laughing, ice cream, stories of kids, nachos, and even a little shopping. They found lots of bargains and we shopped til we dropped, getting home after midnight. It was great fun, and the best Mother's Day present, just hanging out with the girls.