Great Western Furnace circa 1855 |
The Homeplace Interpretative Center |
Bison |
elk |
Quilts displayed at The Homeplace |
We recently drove
over to Land Between the Lakes. The 170,000 acre recreation area was formerly
called 'land between the rivers' but when the two rivers were formed into
lakes, the resulting peninsula was designated Land Between the Lakes National
Recreational Area by President Kennedy in 1963.
We took the south-to-north
route of the Trace and only made it halfway through the park, stopping at 3
visitors centers, the iron furnace, the bison range, and the elk and bison
prairie. The Trace goes up the middle of the park, so we didn't see the lakes
on either side. A huge park with lots of campgrounds and trails, even a 100
mile OHV trail, and 300 miles of shoreline, I am sure it is a very busy place
in the summer months. But it was a nice drive on a cool spring day, not crowded
at all, our kind of trip.