No doubt the most popular place to read at our house is in bed just before falling to sleep. There are pros and cons to this, of course - it puts us to sleep, but we sometimes don't remember what we read.
On a lazy summer afternoon, here are some of my favorite places to read - on the screen porch, deck rocking chair, at the beach!
I have a list of books - books I have read read, books to read, favorite authors. I also go online to Fantastic Fiction to look up my favorite authors to see if they have anything new out.
My source of books is the local library, I have their website bookmarked, I can check to see what is there, renew books I have out.
Just yesterday at the library I found three books on my list, which is rare. What to do? I know I won't be able to read all three, but next time they might not be there… so here I am with lots to read.

Where is your favorite place to read? What is on your nightstand?