Here is my story for mammoth cave.
Hi this is kyle's trip to mammoth cave. The tours we went on where called the trog tour and the new entrance tour. We went through a place called the worm hole and the frozen niagra. I also went though the wheel barrel crawl on the trig tour. One of the really cool formations I saw was frozen looking jellyfish. I had tons of fun on my trip
On our weekend trip, I asked the grandkids to each write a paragraph for my blog on their caving experience. Madison (the youngest, age 9) was excited, the other two - Kyle and Sarah (age 12) - were not too thrilled, it sounded too much like school, and proceeded to give me a couple of verbal sentences like 'it was fun'.
Aunt Carrie chimed in by saying, "Ms. Born said… A sentence is the length of a line on notebook paper, and a paragraph is at least 5 lines." Ms. Born is the 5th grade teacher at our rural school - Oakland Elementary. She taught both our daughters and grandson Kyle, and in a few weeks will be teaching granddaughter Madison.
Dear Susan,
Here is my paragraph about my trogging tour. Just a few days ago I went to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky with Susan, Buddy (My granma and grandpa), Carrie (My aunt) , Kyle, and Sarah (My brother and step- sister). On my trogging tour there was two guides and their names were John and Joline. Before we went on the trogging tour we had to gear up we had to put on a helmet with a light on it, we brought our own gloves, and we wore knee pads. On the tour we went on the original path (that other tours go on) then we went off on our own path; on that path we crawled threw all different sizes of holes and my favorite one was the worm hole (it was the smallest hole we went threw). During the walk on the normal path I made some friends their names are Jasmine and the other ones name is Rebeca. At the end of the tour we took a group test and if we got most of the questions right we got a prize (the prize was the helmet but we didn't keep the light). Well that is my paragraph. Love you Susan !!
After some prodding, I received all three stories via e-mail. They are printed as received with no corrections or editing. Thanks kids!
On my trip to Mammoth Cave I went on two tours, theTrog Tour and the New Entrance Tour. On the Trog Tour we got to crawl around through small holes noone else could venture on past, we also made some friends from around the states. The Trog Tour was a mile long and lasted two hours long. The New Entrance Tour was an ordinary tour, but we got to see the "Frozen Niagara" and hear stories about the cave. This tour lasted about an hour and a half, and was also one mile long. I really enjoyed my experience at Mammoth Cave and can't wait to go again. Sarah
~picture - Norman Rockwell Schoolwalk found here