Alabama's newest state park, Cathedral Caverns is described as being the third largest cave in the United States, with Mammoth Cave in Kentucky being 1st and Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico being 2nd.
On our day off last week for the 4th, we went on a road trip around the area, and happened upon this surprising find. After paying our $10 for the guided tour, I thought we might be disappointed, as we have visited Mammoth Cave many times in the past, and wondered if this little cave could possibly measure up.
We were pleasantly surprised at the size of the cave and the many beautiful formations. The 1-1/3 mile round trip was a nice walk, the 58 to 60 degree temperature in the cave was welcome on a hot July day, and the tour guide was very entertaining.
A great destination, I recommend it! Located in the northwest corner of Alabama, about an hour and a half from Chattanooga.
Alabama State Park - Cathedral Caverns website
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