Chattanooga, Tennessee celebrated the country's birthday on July 3rd, with two fireworks shows downtown, one on the river with a patriotic concert featuring the Chattanooga Symphony & Opera - Pops on the River, and a second at the ballpark after the Chattanooga Lookouts baseball game.
We were inclined to avoid the crowds, but our youngest daughter Carrie would have none of that - she drove here and joined us in the sold out crowd at the ballpark. We ate hot dogs, popcorn, nachos, peanuts. We sang Take me out to the Ballgame. The home team won in the 9th inning!
We watched dueling fireworks - the river park fireworks on one side, and the ballpark fireworks on the other, while rocking to the sounds of Springsteen's Born in the USA and Neil Diamond's America. It was great fun, thanks Carrie for getting us out there!