Wednesday, March 7, 2007

starting the day

How do you start your day?

New Day
I like to go to webshots and check out the new photos, like this one of Mt. Rainier featured today.

Then over to Take a nap! A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine has found that people who take a regular daily nap are less likely to die of a heart attack.

And stop by over at wikipedia to see what they have dug up lately... Did you know? - that the oldest known remains of anatomically modern humans in the world were excavated in the Klasies River Caves?

Finally a quick visit to a few blog friends before pointing and clicking on that dreaded link - WORK!

All this, of course, after that first gulp of coffee!

~photo credits - 'New Day' by cableguy1962 featured on webshots
'Sleeping above Manhattan' at
