Monday, September 18, 2006

the fearless leader

Melissa took Madison to sign up for Girl Scouts. Her last words before leaving were, "If they need volunteers for an occasional snack or craft, I will help, but I am NOT going to be talked into being a leader!"

You guessed it, they talked her into it! "There won't be any Girl Scout troop for Madison if we can't find a leader..."

I don't know what the problem is, she has loads of experience:

She was a cute Brownie Scout, a serious Junior Scout

she remembers all the songs and dances...

Like Make New Friends
and Princess Pat

I guess she really needed something to fill up her spare time, which fits in somewhere between her 2 paying jobs and all her other jobs including shuttling kids to football, cheerleading, piano, band, and soccer.

The first meeting is tonight, I am sure she has already come up with some fun ideas for meetings, for earning badges, for campouts and trips. Or maybe she has been spending her time thinking up ways to delegate responsibilities out to other moms!

Congratulations to Melissa on this auspicious honor. I can certainly empathize, as the same thing happened to me - been there, done that! (rolling on floor laughing)
