along the side of the road,
ripening in the hot summer sun.
Are they longing to be picked
and put in a pie?
Do they think they are safe
behind their protection of thorns?
Are they covered in chiggers
just waiting to jump
onto unsuspecting tender skin?
Is there a sssneaky sssnake
lurking at their roots?
Or maybe a big black furry bear
ready to have a berry snack?
Is it really worth it
to pick these blackberries
just for a pie?
A pie that would no doubt
add to our size just a little?
But just think about it,
the aroma of sweet pie,
still warm from the oven,
a tender flaky crust,
and a big scoop of
vanilla ice cream melting on top...
Me oh my
Nothing tastes sweet, wet, salty and dry
all at once, oh well it's pie
an' wet bottom.
Come to your place everyday if you've got em'
Me oh my
I love pie
~Pie Song from the movie Michael