Do you like puzzles? I like all kinds of puzzles. Crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, logic problems, sudoku, word puzzles, math puzzles. I am not necessarily good at any or all of these, but I enjoy trying to figure them out.
Geocaching sometimes has a puzzle to solve in order to find the cache. These puzzles are created by folks who must be rocket scientists, because I rarely can solve any of the geocaching puzzles. But this weekend with the help of Buddy, we figured one out.
Here is the puzzle. If you figure this out, you can go find the cache.
Anyway, we were the first ones to figure it out and after two trips to the designated place, we were the FTF!!! (That's
first to find in geocaching language - it's a big deal to be the first to find a newly placed cache). We rarely are the FTF, as there are some die-hard geocachers out there, and as soon as a new cache is published, they are there.
Can you find the hidden objects in the first two posts of this month?