Madison is turning 13 on Friday the 13th and preparations are being made for the themed birthday party next door.
It all started last fall, the day after Halloween stores were scoured for spooky sale items.
I don't know the entire plan, but these clues have been revealed:
- invitations were sent out - a box with a severed finger inside
- the original Friday the 13th movie was rented
- sidewalk chalk and caution tape to outline the body are ready
- blood-red icing dripped over popcorn
- blood-red paint dripped on the white tablecloth
- blood-red icing running off the white cake
- guess the body parts blindfold game - peeled grapes for eyeballs
- ramen noodles for brains
- fresh peaches for liver
- a severed hand floating in the blood-red punch
- styrofoam tombstones in the yard
- a scary night hike in the woods
Thursday 13 - 13 scary reasons to avoid this party!