Tuesday, December 1, 2009

keep it simple

It is that time again, making a list, checking it twice...

I recently heard about an idea that circulated over the last couple of years to simplify gift giving, to cut down on excess spending and excess in general... parents would give their children 4 gifts: Something they NEED, something they WANT, something to WEAR, and something to READ.

I think this is a great idea. I mean, when you ask the grandkids what they want and they have to think for a long time to come up with something because they have everything under the sun... there's something wrong with this picture!

And what about the things they do come up with? Do you have trouble understanding or even reading your grandkids' wish list? A sim card for something or a gift card for iTunes or MP3 or DS or iPOD - I don't know what the heck they are talking about and the best part is I don't have to… that is stuff the parents have to worry about!

So the want/need/wear/read concept is great for parents, they can understand what they want, they know what they need, who knows what they will wear or read...

...but us grandparents don't even have to go that far, we just give them whatever we want to. How about a game or puzzle, a soft knitted scarf, maybe a funny t-shirt or some folding money...
