This day in history - family history that is - November 6, 1975.
After winning the state Union Carpenter Apprenticeship Contest in Atlanta, Buddy went on to compete in the International competion in Milwaukee, Wisconsin held November 5, 6, and 7, 1975.
Traditional carpenter overalls were required, and it was evident that many of the apprentices had never worn them before, having adopted the new and improved tool belts.
The contestants were given a set of plans and just enough lumber and nails etc. to complete the project in a set time period. Judges made the rounds to watch and to inspect the apprentices' toolboxes. All tools must be in good order, clean, and sharp. The judges would even test the sharpness of a chisel by seeing if it would shave the hair off their arm.

Young men wanting to be carpenters had to participate in the Apprenticeship Program for 4 years, attending classes and learning on the job, with the goal of becoming a journeyman carpenter.
Buddy was a natural for this, his father and grandfather were carpenters. His mother worked at the Carpenters Local 225. There is sawdust in his veins. He still builds stuff for a living and for fun and is happiest when in his workshop.
He now shares his knowledge and his toolbelts with his kids and grandkids, but it has been 33 years since I have seen him in carpenter overalls.
~click photos to enlarge and to read the articles in the Journal of Labor