Friday, December 28, 2018

the story

The Story of my Life
if  a Story is in You, it has to come out

As mentioned once or twice in the past, Buddy has lots of great stories, and over the years we have enjoyed listening to them and have encouraged him to write them down. Some day, maybe when I retire... he always says. Here is the latest attempt to inspire him to get started, not a homemade gift, but a last minute one with a personal note that makes it oh so special, thanks Sarah!!!

(for Buddy)
There are so many things passed from one generation to the next -- a beloved family home, land your family can build and grow on, skills and talents shared. But the most treasured of all is the story of family and the very special frame of reference each of us has to offer. Hopefully your upcoming retirement allows you the time to share yours! 
♥ Sarah

AND we all heard Buddy on Christmas morning say to Madison (of the bookbinding skills), "When I write my book, will you bind it for me?"
