This granma is Bama Bound!
It is Family Weekend over at the U of A and the family is
packed up and ready to go, I am hitching a ride over with Melissa and Keith,
just like the Clampetts with granny in the back seat. Fingers crossed on the whole gas shortage situation. We even brought our own
house and chairs, ready to go camping.
It is not quite good camping weather yet in Tuscaloosa (69 at night/95 in the day) but
compared to $500 motel rooms, a campsite for $36 sounds real nice. We have our football game tickets, Bama shirts, and smart phones for pictures, what else do we need.
We will stand up for the national anthem like good Americans
do but we might not hear the words, you see it is Deaf Awareness Week
(International Week of the Deaf) and the national anthem will be quietly
performed with sign language, a pretty neat idea, especially since it is our own
little granddaughter who will be doing the honors.
Yes, the same one who volunteered to sign the national anthem
at high school graduation last May. Madison
has been petitioning for weeks to do this at this Bama game, sending emails, calling, trying to
find just the right person to ask … and perseverance won out.
So our DVRs are set at home even though we are not sure the
national anthem part will be televised, but we will be there in person. We will
be the little family up high in the stands who are filming the silent anthem. We
may not all have our hands over our hearts but we will be Standing Up.
Don’t be nervous Madi, just over 100,000 of your
close friends and family will see you in person and on the Big Screen at the game, and a few
more from restaurants, bars, and couches across the nation…
Go Madison ! Roll Tide!