Saturday, September 29, 2012
If you are looking for some stories and pictures of the Tidwell's Wild West Road Trip, you are in the right place - Susan's blog with almost daily updates.
The thing about blog posts, they are in reverse chronological order (the oldest first, then back in time to the beginning).
So just scroll down and you will re-live our trip in reverse, and as you come to the bottom of the page, click on Older Posts, all the way back to the beginning.
It is not as good as listening to Buddy's funny vacation stories or watching someone else's vacation slides in person... but hope you enjoy!
National Park Quilts "Susan Davis, owner of Olde America Antiques and American Quilt Blocks, has created a series of origina...
Girls like cars, too! From the makers of Matchbox cars, a new line of cars for girls was just introduced at the American International Toy F...
Split Decision quilt top made in 2014, quilted this week. This one has been a UFO or WIP for a while, I was just waiting on my ne...