Day 2 brings us to St. Louis, playing tourist at the Arch. We watched the 'making of' movie, what an amazing feat of engineering and construction!
Planning our trip into the city to the NPS parking deck for the Arch, Buddy remembered to remove his stash of supplies from the back of the truck, as we didn't want to be on the news - propane tank and two gas cans chained together - just traveling and camping stuff - sound suspicious to you?
Here is a good place to comment on our directional device - GPS sucks! We were told by the nice voice to exit the expressway and after 15 minutes of a sphincter-tightening St. Louis slum tour, we finally made it to our destination.
The Anheuser Busch Brewery in St. Louis. We took the brewery tour which covered 7 blocks. We were told this building (above) is the second most photographed thing in St. Louis.
We were on the tiny elevator car going up to the top of the Arch with 3 young ladies who turned out to be Mormon missionaries, they were friendly and asked what else we were going to see while here, but I just couldn't tell them we had just left the brewery. Maybe they could tell, they gave me some reading material...
picture album HERE
Wild West Road Trip - day 2
miles today 65/total miles 586
Red Barn Rendevous CG
Edwardsville, IL
temp lo 71/hi 91
elevation 465