My virtual nightstand is overflowing, so far over 35 books piling up. Since starting reading on the Kindle at the first of the year, I have read 10 books and am in the middle of a couple more.
This is Read an eBook Week as I learned from Michael Gallagher on his blog, Free Kindle Books and Tips. According to Michael, this is the 40th anniversary of the eBook:
Read an eBook week is in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the first eBook, credited to Michael Hart. Hart was given a $100,000 credit on an IBM mainframe computer in 1971, and decided to use this credit to develop an electronic storage, retrieval, and search system of library books – unheard of at the time – and created the first eBook. What was that title? The Declaration of Independence!
There are always lots of free books offered every day, but during this week, many more authors and publishers will offer free books than usual, so I will be busy watching the free books sites and gathering up even more reading material.
So many books, so little time, I seriously need to think about retiring! Perhaps a speed reading course?