Tuesday, July 13, 2010

random thoughts

slow road

Have you ever had one of those days when your mind wanders more than usual, coming up with random thoughts...

random thoughts while running errands the other day - At the oil change place - ladies' day 10% off - ladies lined up reading magazines - the manager calls out The Lexus is ready and we all look up to see who is driving a lexus - it is my turn when I hear - Who has the Durango? And I am met with a smile and Oh Hi - your daughter was just in here last week...

random thoughts at the library - the library is a peaceful place - except for the meeting room loaned out to the county assessors office - folks come and talk and argue and stomp out madder than when they arrived - someone said recently they should put up a metal detector or have a policeman on duty there - death and taxes go together, but hopefully not at the library...

random thoughts in the flower bed - deadheads - not the rock band groupies but the petunias - pinching off the dead flowers so new ones will grow...

random thoughts on age - I am twice as old as my youngest daughter - this happened before with my oldest daughter and won't happen again as I have no more kids - but maybe with the grandkids, let's see I was 40 when Kyle was born, so when I am 80 he will be 40 - but I won't remember to tell him I am twice his age even if I am still around and can still do the math...

random thoughts on reading - in this electronic age of I-pod and I-everything else and Kindle readers, reading actual books is more popular than ever - in my recent quest for a book at our library's website, I got this message: This item has been checked out 281 time(s) and currently has 80 hold request(s).

I am traveling a slow road this morning, maybe I will make it to work and maybe not, I might just get sidetracked along the way.

~photo Blue Ridge Parkway 8 June 2008
