Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The school house

We have an elementary school in our little community, Oakland Elementary, that has been here for a long time. It was originally the Oakland Academy built in 1867. There used to be elementary schools in all of the communities of the county, as many as 25 at one time. They were closed one by one in order to consolidate all the kids into one school in town. All but Oakland. This is a big community and all the locals protested it, enough so that Oakland could stay open. The kids at Oakland get a great education. Most of the teachers have been there for many years. Our kids went there and have great memories from their times at Oakland. Now our grandkids are going there. Kyle has Ms. Born for 5th grade, just like his mom had Ms. Born in 5th grade. Racheal has Ms. Edmondson for 3rd grade, the same one Melissa and Carrie had in 3rd grade. Madison has Ms. Sanford as her challenge teacher, the same Ms. Sanford that taught Carrie 18 years ago. (The same Ms. Sanford whose parents run the apple house next to the school, and whose husband is the president of the bank Buddy just built in town…) ah, don't you just love small towns!

The principal of Oakland School is Jim Parmer, who is back now after serving 15 months in Iraq with his Army Reserve unit. He stayed in touch with his school kids the entire time he was gone. He would call from Iraq every morning (Oakland School time) and lead the kids in the Pledge of Allegiance over the intercom. We couldn't ask for a better example of honor and patriotism.

Georgia Association of Educators article on Mr. Parmer

“How do you know if a child needs encouragement? If he or she is breathing...” – Truett Cathy
